template <class T> void MergeSort( T * pts, int n ) { MergeSort( pts, 0, n-1 ); } templage <class T> void MergeSort( T * pts, int low, int high ) { if ( low == high ) return; int mid = (low + high) / 2; MergeSort( T, low, mid ); MergeSort( T, mid+1, high ); // At this point the lower and upper halves // of "pts" are sorted. All that remains is // to merge them into a single sorted list. T* temp = new T[high-low+1]; // scratch array for merging int i=low, j=mid+1, loc=0; // while neither the left nor the right half is exhausted, // take the next smallest value into the temp array while ( i<=mid && j<=high ) { if ( pts[i] < pts[j] ) temp[loc++] = pts[i++]; else temp[loc++] = pts[j++]; } // copy the remaining values --- only one of these will iterate for ( ; i<=mid; i++, loc++ ) temp[loc] = pts[i]; for ( ; j<=high; j++, loc++ ) temp[loc] = pts[j]; // copy back from the temp array for ( loc=0, i=low; i<=high; loc++, i++ ) pts[i]=temp[loc]; delete [] temp; }Solution:
We can count the number of comparison and assignments on the arrays
and temp
as a function of n = high-low+1
(initially, low=0 and high=n-1). Define A(n) to be this number
and assume n=2k for some integer k>=0. The cost of the recursive
calls is since the array is split exactly in half for
each call. Counting the rest, the
loop executes at most
n-1 iterations with 1 comparison and one assigment per
iteration. The two for
loops that follow, execute at least 1
iterations and at most n/2 iterations, with 1 assignment per
iteration. The final for
loop involves at most n
assignments. Overall, this work is bounded by for some
small constant c, which is about 4. It turns out not to matter.
Putting this together we get
or, using the assumption that n=2k,
Using back substitution,
All we need to do is to reverse the signs on the values in the array, run the linear time MaxSubsequence sum algorithm, and negate the result. This gives an O(n) algorithm.