Loaded hansel_and_gretel.txt with window = 2 and parse method = ignore_punctuation could (5) could be (1) could get (1) could no (1) could not (2) not (26) not awake (1) not be (1) not been (2) not come (1) not cry (1) not distress (1) not do (1) not eat (1) not escape (1) not find (3) not forget (1) not forsake (1) not get (2) not help (1) not know (1) not known (1) not long (1) not see (1) not the (1) not wait (1) not your (2) find (6) find a (1) find it (1) find the (3) find their (1) the (181) the axe (1) the beasts (1) the best (1) the bolt (1) the boy (1) the bread (2) the brushwood (1) the cat (1) the cauldron (1) the children (9) the chimney (1) the chimneys (1) the conversation (1) the crumbs (2) the door (6) the dough (1) the duck (1) the end (1) the evening (1) the father (3) the fire (3) the first (1) the flames (1) the forest (16) the full (1) the girl (2) the godless (1) the good (2) the ground (2) the hand (2) the heart (1) the heavenborn (1) the hills (1) the house (2) the iron (1) the land (2) the last (1) the little (5) the man (3) the mans (1) the many (1) the middle (1) the moon (4) the morning (5) the mother (1) the next (1) the old (9) the other (1) the oven (4) the panes (1) the parlour (2) the path (1) the pebbles (2) the planks (1) the poor (3) the road (1) the roof (6) the room (1) the same (1) the stable (1) the strokes (1) the sun (1) the taste (1) the thickest (1) the time (1) the two (2) the water (2) the way (7) the white (2) the whole (3) the wicked (1) the wife (1) the wild (2) the wind (3) the window (2) the windows (1) the witch (1) the witchs (2) the woman (11) the wood (1) the woodaxe (1) the woods (1) could not find the forest could not find the forest and gretel began to the forest could no ferry answered the could not your children saying could get out nevertheless he could not get nothing that could get out of them could not cry and he had been before then gretel be could not cry and precious stones ran about the wild animals could not long and ate a child fell on its cage could be too from morning gretel but scolded and when we could get up pebbles in the children all anxiety was near