Received new order #300 due in 15 minute(s): small-cheese Running until next event. Order # 300 expired. 15 minute(s) have passed. Running until next event. No events waiting to process. Received new order #302 due in 100 minute(s): small-cheese Received new order #301 due in 15 minute(s): small-cheese Received new order #303 due in 0 minute(s): small-cheese Cooking new small-cheese with 25 minute(s) left. ===Starting run of 50 minute(s)=== Order # 303 expired. Order # 301 expired. Finished cooking small-cheese Filled order #302 Removed a small-cheese from completed items. ===Run for specified time is complete=== ===Starting run of 50 minute(s)=== ===Run for specified time is complete===