CSCI 1200 Data Structures
Spring 2018

  Contact Information
   Forums (Piazza)

  Learning Outcomes
  iClickers in Lecture
  Course Grades

  Lecture notes
  Lab materials
  Test reviews

Weekly Schedule
  Office Hours
  Lab Times

Getting Help
  Advice from TAs
  Advice from Students

  Due Date and Time
  Late Day Policy
  HW Grading Criteria

Collaboration Policy &
Academic Integrity

C++ Development
  Code Editors & IDEs
  OS Choices
  Install WSL
  Install Cygwin
  Memory Debugging
    Dr. Memory
  Test Your Installation

  Optional Textbooks
  Web Resources
  Misc. C++ Programming
    Command Line Args
    File I/O
    string → int/float


The lecture notes posted on this website will be a complete but terse presentation of the material covered in the course. You are encouraged to make use of additional reference material to explain any material you find confusing in more depth.


The following books are optional (recommended but not required). The course will follow primarily the order of Ford and Topp. Some of the lectures are based on material in Koenig and Moo. Students are encouraged to have available a C++ reference book, such as those by Malik or Stroustrup, and/or use on-line reference material.

Web Resources

Here are several websites you should find helpful. Feel free to search for and share other web resources.


See the Misc C++Programming Info page for information on C++ command line arguments, file I/O, and redirecting standard input & output to files.