Lecture 24 — Advanced Python Topics and Functional Programming

Problems We’d Like to Solve

Some of these are toy problems, but they illustrate use of tools we’d like to develop and use:

  1. How many values are in a list of lists?
  2. What is the maximum distance from the origin of the points in a list?
  3. What is the sum of squares of the first n integers?
  4. Can you sum the positive values in a list?
  5. Can you sort a list of points by y value (2nd coordinate) and then by x value?

Solution Techniques

  • We can solve most of these with a for loop, but they can be solved even more effectively / efficiently / compactly using advanced Python methods.
  • Leads to notions of:
  • map and filter
  • functions as parameters
  • lambda functions
  • stable sort
  • list comprehensions
  • Most are examples of functional programmming

Map: Apply a function to each element of a list

  • Suppose we want to count the number of values in a list of lists. We can use map to apply the len function to each sublist.

    >>> v = [ [2, 3, 5, 7], [11,13,17,19], [23, 29], [31,37] ]
    >>> print( list(map( len, v)) )
    [4, 4, 2, 2]
  • map is an iterator class:

    • It produces values in a sequence, one after another, by applying the function (1st argument) to the values of the second argument.
    • Technically, an iterator class is one that has the __next__ method implemented (correctly).
    • Using list gives us the list of lengths of the sublists explicitly.
  • To complete the solution we need to just apply sum:

    >>> print(sum(map(len,v)))

    Notice that this does not explicitly form an intermediate list.

Passing Functions as Parameters

  • The above example passes the len function as an argument!

    • We also passed functions as arguments to our callbacks in our GUI programs
  • This illustrates the concept that Python treats function as “first-class” objects - in other words functions can be used just like variables and other data.

    • What’s passed as an argument to map() is the location of the function code.
  • Now suppose we want to find the maximum distance of a list of points from the origin. Here we’ll have to write a function

    def dist2D( p ):
        return (p[0]**2 + p[1]**2)**0.5
    pts = [ (4.5, 3), (2.1,-1), (6.8,-3), (1.4, 2.9) ]
    print(max( map(dist2D,pts) ))

Lambda functions: Anonymous functions

  • We can avoid the need to write a separate function here by writing an anonymous function called a lambda function.

  • Our first example is just squaring the values of a list

    >>> list(map( lambda x: x**2, [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] ))
    [ 1, 4, 9, 16 ]
  • Now, we can sum the squares from 1 to n

    >>> n = 100
    >>> sum( map( lambda x: x**2, range(1,n+1)))
  • We can also implement the dist2D function anonymously:

>>> max( map( lambda p: (p[0]**2 + p[1]**2)**0.5, pts) )
  • Notice that we did not need to explicitly form a list in each of the preceeding examples. This leads to substantial savings when the list is large!
  • Aside: the notion of a lambda function goes all the way back to the origin of computer science

In-Class Practice Problem:

  1. Starting with the following list of x,y point coordinate types, we will use map(), a lambda function, and max() to find the maximum x coordinate (the 0-th coordinate) in a list of points.

    pts = [ (6,-1), (8,4), (7.5,-3), (4.4,12), (7,2) ]

Filter: Extract / eliminate values from a list

  • Consider a different problem: how to eliminate all of the negative values from a list. Based on what we know so far, this requires a for loop with append.

  • We can simplify this using the built-in Python construct called filter

    >>> v = [ 1, 9, -4, -8, 10, -3 ]
    >>> list(filter( lambda x: x>0, v))
    [1, 9, 10]
  • Here,

    • The lambda function must produce a boolean value and if that value is True the list item is kept; otherwise it is eliminated.
    • The result of filter is an iterator object, just like the result of map is. We convert to a list in order to display the answer.
  • If we want to sum up the non-negative values, then we don’t need to explicitly generate a list:

    >>> sum(filter( lambda x: x>0, v))

Lecture Exercises, Problems 1 and 2:

  • At this point students will be given the chance to work on the first two lecture exercises.

Passing Functions to Sort

  • Consider the problem of sorting a list of (x,y) points by their y values first and their x values for tied y values, both in decreasing order. For example, given

    pts = [ (2,5), (12,3), (12,1), (6,5), (14, 10), (12, 10), \
              (8,12), (5,3) ]

    we’d like the sorted order to be

    [(8, 12), (14, 10), (12, 10), (6, 5), (2, 5), (12, 3), \
         (5, 3), (12, 1)]
  • The Python sort function

    >>>  sorted( pts, reverse=True )
    [(14, 10), (12, 10), (12, 3), (12, 1), (8, 12), (6, 5), \
        (5, 3), (2, 5)]

    gives the ordering by x value and then by y value. This is not what we want.

  • The first step to a solution is to provide a key function to sorted() to pull out the information (the y value in this case) from each tuple to use as the basis for sorting:

    >>> sorted( pts, key = lambda p: p[1], reverse=True)
    [(8, 12), (14, 10), (12, 10), (2, 5), (6, 5), (12, 3), \
        (5, 3), (12, 1)]

    This is close but not quite right because the two points with y=5 are out of order.

  • The trick is to sort by x first and then sort by y!

    >>> by_x = sorted(pts,reverse=True)
    >>> by_x
    [(14, 10), (12, 10), (12, 3), (12, 1), (8, 12), (6, 5), \
       (5, 3), (2, 5)]
    >>> sorted( by_x, key = lambda p: p[1], reverse=True)
    [(8, 12), (14, 10), (12, 10), (6, 5), (2, 5), (12, 3), \
       (5, 3), (12, 1)]
  • This works because sorted() uses what’s known as a stable sort: when two values are “tied” according the sorting criteria (y value in the second sort) their relative ordering (by x value from the first sort) in the final list is preserved.

    • Therefore, (6,5) comes earlier than (2,5), while (12,3) comes earlier than (5,3)
  • A number of variations on sorting use this “stable sort” property, but not all fast sorting algorithms are stable.

  • Of course, we can also extend our lambda to reverse the tuple provided to sort()

    >> sorted( pts, key = lambda p: (p[1], p[0]), reverse=True)
    [(8, 12), (14, 10), (12, 10), (6, 5), (2, 5), (12, 3), \
       (5, 3), (12, 1)]

Practice Problem

  1. Use filter to eliminate all words that are shorter than 4 letters from a list of words

List Comprehensions

  • Instead of map and filter some people prefer another example of functional programming in Python called list comprehensions

  • Here is an example to generate a list of the squares of the first n integers:

    >>> n = 8
    >>> [ i*i for i in range(1,n+1) ]
    [1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64]
  • The form of this is an expression followed by a for loop statement.

  • We can get the effect of filter by adding a conditional at the end:

    >>> v = [ 1, 9, -4, -8, 10, -3 ]
    >>> [ x for x in v if x>0 ]
    [1, 9, 10]
  • Here, the values are only generated in the resultant list when the if condition passes.

  • We can combine these as well. As a slightly silly example, we can eliminate the negative values and square the positive values

    >>> v = [ 1, 9, -4, -8, 10, -3 ]
    >>> [ x*x for x in v if x>0 ]
    [1, 81, 100]
  • We can get even more sophisticated by nesting for loops. Here is an example where we generate all pairs of numbers between 1 and 4, except for the pairs where the numbers are equal

    >>> [ (i,j) for i in range(1,5) for j in range(1,5) if i != j ]
    [(1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 1), (2, 3), (2, 4), (3, 1), (3, 2),
        (3, 4), (4, 1), (4, 2), (4, 3)]


  1. Write a list comprehension statement to generate a list of all pairs of odd positive integer values less than 10 where the first value is less than the second value.

Summary and Discussion

  • We’ve explored programming that is more compact and at a higher level of abstraction. It can be used to effectively interact with data.
  • map and filter each take a function and a sequence (an “iterable”) as arguments and produce an iterator as a result:
    • map produces the result of applying the function to each element of the iterable
    • filter produces each element of the iterable for which the function returns True
  • Both map and filter are made more compact by using lambda functions
  • lambda functions can also be used to change the result of sorting
  • A stable sort preserves the relative order of “tied” values
  • List comprehensions can be used in place of map and filter:
    • Some people prefer list comprehensions because they often do not require lambda functions, but…
    • List comprehensions explicitly construct the list of results rather than generating them one-by-one, which is what map and filter do. This makes them less efficient for large data sets.
  • These are all examples of functional programming.
  • We’ve also used the other major programming paradigms this semester
    • imperative programming
    • object oriented programming
  • Many modern languages like Python provide tools that allow programming using a combination of paradigms