The goal of this assignment is to practice concurrent and distributed programming using the SALSA programming language.
You are to analyze three-dimensional data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, in particular, stars in our MilkyWay galaxy, for future human space colonization. Your program needs to compute the following:
For each computation, output multiple answers if there are ties. For example, when computing closest neighbours, if there are multiple pairs with the same minimum pairwise distance, output both pairs.
More information on Milky Way visualization can be found in the associated MilkyWay@Home forum.
You are given a stars text file
with the first line giving the total number of stars in the file
followed by one line per star representing each star's three dimensions
<x,y,z> as X Y Z
. Please remove duplicate entries in your program. Your output should look as follows:
d1 // minimal pairwise distance s1 s2 ... d2 // maximal pairwise distance s1 s2 s3 s2 ... d3 // minimum maximal distance s3 s1 ... d4 // maximum minimal distance s4 s5 ... d5 // minimal average distance s1 ...where
d_idenotes a distance and
s_idenotes a star, which is represented as (x,y,z), corresponding to the x, y, and z coordinates of the star.
Write an actor-based solution to the space colonization problem.
and salsa
are UNIX aliases or Windows
batch scripts that run java
and javac
the expected arguments: See .cshrc
for UNIX, and salsac.bat
for Windows.[host0:dir0]$ wwcns [port number 0] [host1:dir1]$ wwctheater [port number 1] [host2:dir2]$ wwctheater [port number 2] ...where
and wwctheater
are UNIX aliases
or Windows batch scripts: See .cshrc
for UNIX, and wwcns.bat
for Windows.
Make sure that the theaters are run where the actor behavior code is
available, that is, the pa2
directory should be visible in directories:
and host2:dir2
Then, run the distributed program as mentioned above.
behavior should be in a relative path pa2/Space.salsa
, and should
start with the line module pa2;
does not imply m1
occurs before m2
, n
is processed after m is executed, but not
necessarily after messages sent inside m
are executed. For example, if inside m
, messages
and m2
are sent, in general, n
could happen before m1
and m2
.Due Date: April 12th, 6:00PM
Grading: The assignment will be graded mostly on correctness, but code clarity / readability will also be a factor (comment, comment, comment!).
Submission Requirements: Please submit a ZIP file with your code, including a README file. In the README file, place the names of each group member. Your README file should also have a list of specific features / bugs in your solution. Your ZIP file should be named with your LMS user name(s) as the filename, either or Only submit one assignment per pair via LMS.