Code Developed in CSCI-1100 Spring Semester 2016

Lecture 1

Module: lec01_three_doubles — Finds three consecutive pairs of double letters

Find all words containing three consecutive pairs of double letters in a file of all English words located at:

Modules used: urllib

Author: Sibel Adali <>, Chuck Stewart <>

Returns: All words matching condition and the count of found words

Pseudo Code:

open the file from the web with all the words in English
for each word in the file:
    for all positions l in the word
        if the letters at positions (l and l+1) are the same
           and the letters at positions (l+2 and l+3) are the same
           and the letters at positons  (l+4 and l+5) are the same then
            output word and increment the count


""" Find all words containing three consecutive pairs of double letters 
in a file of all English words located at:

**Modules used:**  :py:mod:`urllib` 

**Author**: Sibel Adali <>, Chuck Stewart <>

**Returns:** All words matching condition and the count of found words

**Pseudo Code**::

   open the file from the web with all the words in English
   for each word in the file:
       for all positions l in the word
           if the letters at positions (l and l+1) are the same
              and the letters at positions (l+2 and l+3) are the same
              and the letters at positons  (l+4 and l+5) are the same then
               output word and increment the count


import urllib

def has_three_double(word):
    """ Returns True if the word contains three consecutive pairs of
    double letters and False otherwise.         
    for l in range(len(word)-5):
        if word[l] == word[l+1] and \
           word[l+2]==word[l+3] and \
            return True
    return False

# Comments that fit in a single line can be put in this format.
# Anything after a single pound sign is ignored.

# The main body of the program starts here

word_url = ''
word_file = urllib.urlopen(word_url)

count = 0
for word in word_file:
    word = word.strip().strip('\n')
    if has_three_double(word):
        print word
        count = count + 1
if count == 0:
    print 'No words found'
elif count == 1:
    print "1 word found"
    print count, 'words were found'

Lecture 3

Module: lec03_raw_input — Demonstrate the use of raw_input in the volume calculation code.


Write a program to 
   read the dimensions of a rectangular prism,
   compute the surface area and volume, and
   print them.


length = float(raw_input("Enter the length of the rectangular prism ==> "))
width = float(raw_input("Enter the width of the rectangular prism ==> "))
height = float(raw_input("Enter the height of the rectangular prism ==> "))

area = 2 * (length*width + length*height + width*height)
volume = length*width*height
print "Rectangular prism with length %.3f, width %.3f, height %.3f" %(length, width, height)
print "Area %.3f, Volume %.3f" %(area, volume)

Lecture 4

Module: lec04_exercise_set_1 — Demonstrate the use of some string functions for parts 3 and 4.


name2 = "Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute"

##a -> 1,  e->a, 1->e
name2 = name2.replace("a","1")
name2 = name2.replace("e","a")
name2 = name2.replace("1","e")

print name2

word = 'Bring back the swarm'

word = word.title()
word = word.replace(" ", "")
word = "#" + word
print word

word = 'Bring back the swarm'

word = "#" + (word.title()).replace(" ","")
print word

Module: lec04_exercise_set_2 — Demonstrate the use of the math module


Write a program to 
   read radius of a circle in float
   compute its area and
   print it.


import math

radius = raw_input("Radius ==> ")

radius = float(radius)
## or
## radius = float(raw_input("Radius ==> "))
area = math.pi * radius**2

print "The area of a circle is:", area
print "The area of a circle is: %.2f" %area

Module: lec04_cylinder — Demonstrate the use of some math modules to compute the area and volume of a cylinder.


""" Author CS-1 Staff

    Purpose: This program reads radius and height 
    of a cylinder and outputs the area and volume.
import math

# This is a comment
print "Computing the area and volume of a cylinder"
radius = float(raw_input("Enter radius ==> "))
height = float(raw_input("Enter height ==> "))

area = 2*math.pi*radius*height + 2*math.pi*radius**2
volume = math.pi*radius**2*height

print "Area is %.2f" % area
print "Volume is %.2f" %volume

Module: lec04_triangle — Class exercise to calculate the hypotenuse of a right triangle


""" Author CS-1 Staff

    Purpose: This program reads the lengths a and b
    of the sides of a right triangle and outputs the 
import math

print "Computing the hypotenuse of a right triangle"
a = float(raw_input("Enter side a ==> "))
b = float(raw_input("Enter side b ==> "))

c  = math.sqrt(a**2 + b**2)

print "Hypotenuse is %.2f" % c

Lecture 5

Module: lec05_surface_area — Use two functions to compute surface area


Demonstrate the writing and use of two functions that compute the area
of a circle and the surface area of a cylinder.

import math

def area_circle(radius):
    return math.pi * radius ** 2

def area_cylinder(radius,height):
    circle_area = area_circle(radius)
    height_area = 2 * radius * math.pi * height
    return 2*circle_area + height_area

print 'The area of a circle of radius 1 is', area_circle(1)
r = 2
height = 10
print 'The surface area of a cylinder with radius', r
print 'and height', height, 'is', area_cylinder(r,height)

Lecture 6

Module: lec06_height — Use if statements to compare height


""" Author: CS1 Staff

    Simple program to demonstrate an if statement.

name1 = "Dale"
height1 = int(raw_input("Enter the height of %s in cm ==> " %name1))
name2 = "Erin"
height2 = int(raw_input("Enter the height of %s in cm ==> " %name2,))
if height1 < height2:
    print "%s is taller" %name2
    max_height = height2
elif height1 > height2:
    print "%s is taller" %name1
    max_height = height1
    print "%s and %s have the same height!" %(name1, name2)
    max_height = height1
print "The max height is %d" %max_height

Lecture 7

Module: lec07_ex1 — First image example: resize and convert


from PIL import Image

filename = "chipmunk.jpg"
im =
print '\n' '********************'
print "Here's the information about", filename
print im.format, im.size, im.mode

gray_im = im.convert('L')
scaled = gray_im.resize( (128,128) )
print "After converting to gray scale and resizing,"
print "the image information has changed to"
print scaled.format, scaled.size, scaled.mode + "_scaled.jpg")

Module: lec07_ex2 — Second image example: crop and paste


from PIL import Image

im ="lego_movie.jpg")
w,h = im.size

## Crop out three columns from the image
## Note: the crop function returns a new image
part1 = im.crop((0,0,w/3,h))
part2 = im.crop((w/3,0,2*w/3,h))
part3 = im.crop((2*w/3,0,w,h))

## Create a new image
newim ="RGB",(w,h))

## Paste the image in different order
## Note: the paste function changes the image it is applied to
newim.paste(part3, (0,0))
newim.paste(part1, (w/3,0))
newim.paste(part2, (2*w/3,0))

Lecture 9

Module: lec09_overview — Some basic while loop constructs


This is a general program for practicing different loop
methods. The following are examples of:

1. Loops that count up or down, loops that end
   Loop block   
   Printing (print all on one line)
   Changing a list (make upper case)

   Accumulate a value
      Count by 1, 3 (print three in a line, check
      for three letters in a word, ending conditions?)
      Is it true that there are two consecutive repeated letters?
      Count all farmer's markets in Albany
2. Loops that are undeterministic

   Depends on an external condition 
      (while user does not say stop)
------ WE will continue with these the next time
   Depends on a complex condition 
      (while found or end of list, farmer's market)

3. Double loops

   Find all possible pairs of agents
   Find pairs of agents with the same first letter in their name


months = ['jan', 'feb', 'mar', 'apr', 'may', 'jun', \
          'jul', 'aug', 'sep', 'oct', 'nov', 'dec']

agents = ['skye','may','fitz','simmons','caulson',\
          'hunter', 'mack', 'morse', 'triplett', \
          'hartley', 'deathlok', 'koenig', \
          'gonzales', 'fury']

word = 'bookkeeper'

while i< len(months):
    print "Month: %d is %s" %(i+1, months[i].capitalize() )
    i += 1

print months

print agents

## Capitalize the values in list "agents"

while i < len(agents):
    agents[i] = agents[i].capitalize()
    i += 1

## Check if capitalized
print agents

##Count how many agents have first names that start with S
##Accumulation of values

i = 0
cnt = 0
while i < len(agents):
    if agents[i][0] == 'S':
        cnt += 1
    i += 1

print "%d agents with first name starts with 'S'" %cnt

##Find if there any agents who name starts with F
##Print Yes if any agent with such name, No otherwise

i = 0
found = False
while i < len(agents):
    if agents[i][0] == 'F':
        found = True
    i += 1

if found:
    print 'Yes'
    print 'No'

print "This is a loop that counts up to 7"
i = 0
while i < 7:
    i += 1
    print i
print "This is a loop that counts 10 down to 1"
while i > 0:
    print i
    i -= 1
print "This is loop that counts by 2, starting with 1 and ending with 19"
i = 1
while i <= 20:
    print i
    i += 2

Module: lec09_user_stop — Stop a while loop based on user input


""" This program shows how to write a loop that ends
on a given user input. So, we must make sure that
while loop executes once initially and also that we 
set the conditions that would stop the loop manually
when the correct input is given.


### write a loop that reads user input, until the 
### user types stop

finished = False
while not finished:
    cmd = raw_input("Enter a command (stop to stop) => ")
    if cmd == 'stop':
        finished = True

Module: lec09_co2 Use a while loop to process a list


Illustrating while loops with the CO2 example

co2_levels = [ (2001, 320.03), (2003, 322.16), (2004, 328.07),\
               (2006, 323.91), (2008, 341.47), (2009, 348.92),\
               (2010, 357.29), (2011, 363.77), (2012, 361.51),\
               (2013, 382.47) ]

First example, sum
while i< len(co2_levels):
    sum += co2_levels[i][1]
    i += 1

print "Total co2_levels is", sum

Reverse order
while i > 0:
    i -= 1
    print "Year", co2_levels[i][0], \
          "CO2 levels:", co2_levels[i][1]
Levels above 350
num = 0
while i < len(co2_levels):
    if co2_levels[i][1] > 350:
        num += 1
    i += 1
print "%d years had CO2 levels greater than 350" % num

Percent change
num = 0
while i < len(co2_levels):
    percent = 100 * (co2_levels[i][1] - co2_levels[i-1][1]) / co2_levels[i-1][1]
    print "Percent change from %d to %d was %.2f" % (co2_levels[i-1][0], co2_levels[i][0], percent)

Levels that went down
num = 0
while i < len(co2_levels):
    if co2_levels[i][1] < co2_levels[i-1][1]:
        print "From %d to %d CO2 levels went down" % (co2_levels[i-1][0], co2_levels[i][0])

Lecture 10 (carry over from Lecture 9)

Module: lec10-closest Find the two closest values in a list


Purpose:  Demonstrate the use of nested loops to find the two closest values in a list.
    This could also be implemented - probably better - using for loops.  The values
    are stored in a list L, but in practice it would be better to input them from the user.

Author: Chuck Stewart

Date:  March 3, 2016

L = [34, 21, 12, 78, 28, 61 ]

#  Initialize two variables to hold information about the minimum.  The
#  first is a tuple holding the indices of the two closest values.  The
#  second is the minimum distance. These values are initialized from the
#  first two values in the list.
min_pair = (0,1)
min_dist = abs( L[0] - L[1] )

#  In order to test each possible pair of indices, the index of the first
#  component of the pair must start out 0.
i = 0
while i<len(L):
    #  The second index starts out at i+1 and runs through the end of
    #  the list.
    while j < len(L):
        dist = abs(L[i]-L[j])
        #  If the distance between the current pair of points is less than
        #  the current minimum, we have a new minimum pair
        if dist < min_dist:
            min_pair = (i,j)
            min_dist = dist
        j += 1
    #  This is outside the inner while loop so that i is incremented after
    #  the inner while loop ends.
    i += 1 

closest_i = min_pair[0]
closest_j = min_pair[1]
print "Closest values are %d and %d at indices %d and %d."\
      %(L[closest_i], L[closest_j], closest_i, closest_j)

Lecture 11

Module: Turtle performs a random walk


Lecture 11 Example of a Random Walk

This code was started in class on March 7 and completed on March 10.
It simulates a random walk by turtle who in each time unit randomly
takes a step to the left or a step to the right until it falls off.

This is represented by creating a board of n spaces and starting the
turtle in space n/2.  A step to the left decreases the turtle
position.  A step to the right increases the turtle position.

The simulation is run with a delay between each step so we can watch
what is happening.  Without this delay, the board would print too
import random
import sys
import time    # so that we can delay

def print_board( steps, n, turtle_pos):
    Print the board with the current turtle position on it.  This assumes the turtle
    position is at least 0 and less than n.
    board = '_' * turtle_pos + 'T' + '_'*(n-1-turtle_pos)
    print "%4d: %s" %(steps, board)
def take_step( n, turtle_pos ):
    Take a step, return turtle tuple with the new position, and False if
    turtle fell off
    ran_value = random.random()
    if ran_value < 0.5:
        '''  Step to the left '''
        turtle_pos -= 1
        ''' Step to the right '''
        turtle_pos += 1
    fell_off = turtle_pos < 0 or turtle_pos >= n    
    return (turtle_pos, fell_off)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    '''  Read the input and check to make sure it is a positive integer '''
    n = raw_input('Enter the board size for the turtle walk => ')
    if not n.isdigit():
        print 'Need a positive number'
    n = int(n)
    print n
    '''  Initialize the turtle position in the middle and print the board. '''
    turtle_pos = (n-1)/2
    print_board( 0, n, turtle_pos )
    '''  Run one step at a time until the turtle falls off the board.  '''
    fell_off = False
    steps = 0
    while not fell_off:
        (turtle_pos, fell_off) = take_step( n, turtle_pos )
        steps += 1  
        if not fell_off:
            print_board( steps, n, turtle_pos )
            time.sleep(0.1)   # delay by the given number of seconds so we can see what is happening

    print 'The turtle fell off after', steps, ' steps.'

Lecture 12

Module: lec12_image_copy Use for loops to copy one image into another


Purpose:  Start of the image exercises. Create a new image by looping
          over the pixels of an old image
Author: Wes Turner

Date:  March 8, 2016

from PIL import Image

im ="bolt.jpg")
w,h = im.size
newim ="RGB", (w,h), "white")

pix = im.load()  ## creates an array of pixels that can be modified
newpix = newim.load()  ## creates an array of pixels that can be modified

for i in range(0,w):
    for j in range(0,h):
        newpix[i,j] = pix[i, j]

Module: lec12_image_bars Use for loops to make black bars in an image


Purpose:  Start of the image exercises. Modify the new image by including 
          black bars in the center.
Author: Wes Turner

Date:  March 8, 2016

from PIL import Image

im ="bolt.jpg")
w,h = im.size

# For simplcity, we will resize the image to have an even number
# of pixels. This is a shortcut, and not strictly necessary, but when
# we handle later examples, this resizing will greatly simplify things.
if (w % 2) != 0:
    w -= 1
if (h % 2) != 0:
    h -= 1

# By making the initial image black instead of white, we can get by with four
# for loops.
newim ="RGB", (w,h), "black")

pix = im.load()  ## creates an array of pixels that can be modified
newpix = newim.load()  ## creates an array of pixels that can be modified

# Upper right quadrant
for i in range(0,w/2 - 5):
    for j in range(0,h/2 - 5):
        newpix[i,j] = pix[i, j]

# Upper left quadrant
for i in range(0,w/2 - 5):
    for j in range(0,h/2 - 5):
        newpix[i,j] = pix[i, j]

# Lower right quadrant
for i in range(0,w/2 - 5):
    for j in range(0,h/2 - 5):
        newpix[i,j] = pix[i, j]

# Lower left quadrant
for i in range(0,w/2 - 5):
    for j in range(0,h/2 - 5):
        newpix[i,j] = pix[i, j]

Module: lec12_image_rotate Use for loops to rotate the quadrants of an image


Purpose:  Divide the image up into 4 equal quadrants and then rotate the 
          quadrants clockwise
Author: Wes Turner

Date:  March 8, 2016

from PIL import Image

# For simplcity, we will resize the image to have an even number
# of pixels. This is a shortcut, and not strictly necessary, but it simplifies 
# things for us considerably. 
im ="bolt.jpg")
w,h = im.size
if (w % 2) != 0:
    w -= 1
if (h % 2) != 0:
    h -= 1

newim ="RGB", (w,h), "black")

pix = im.load()  ## creates an array of pixels that can be modified
newpix = newim.load()  ## creates an array of pixels that can be modified

# Upper right to upper left
for i in range(0,w/2):
    for j in range(0,h/2):
        newpix[i + w/2,j] = pix[i, j]

# Upper left to lower left
for i in range(w/2, w):
    for j in range(0,h/2):
        newpix[i, h/2 + j] = pix[i, j]

# Lower left to lower right
for i in range(w/2, w):
    for j in range(h/2, h):
        newpix[i - w/2 ,j] = pix[i, j]

# Lower right to upper left
for i in range(0,w/2):
    for j in range(h/2, h):
        newpix[i,j - h/2] = pix[i, j]

Module: lec12_pixellate Use for loops to pixellate an image


Purpose:  Pixellate the image by replacing each 8x8 block with the average
          value for the block
Author: Wes Turner

Date:  March 8, 2016

from PIL import Image

   Purpose: Given the location of the upper left corner of an 8x8 block, write
            the average value of the block from image_in to the corresponding 
            8x8 location in image_out
def replace_block(corner, image_in, image_out):
    valR = 0
    valG = 0
    valB = 0
    for i in range(corner[0], corner[0]+8):
        for j in range(corner[1], corner[1]+8):
            valR += image_in[i,j][0]
            valG += image_in[i,j][1]
            valB += image_in[i,j][2]

    valR /= 64
    valG /= 64
    valB /= 64

    val = (valR, valG, valB)
    for i in range(corner[0], corner[0]+8):
        for j in range(corner[1], corner[1]+8):
            image_out[i,j] = val

# Begin of main
im ="bolt.jpg")
w,h = im.size

# Again, resizing is not strictly needed, but using a multiple of 8 simplifies
# the process
w -= (w % 8)
h -= (h % 8)

print w, h

newim ="RGB", (w,h), "black")

pix = im.load()  ## creates an array of pixels that can be modified
newpix = newim.load()  ## creates an array of pixels that can be modified

# Call our function above for each 8x8 block in the input image.
for i in range(0,w,8):
    for j in range(0,h,8):        
        replace_block((i,j), pix, newpix)