Instructions for Submitting Project 1

This project will require a number of files, so submission will require some extra steps.

Make sure that every file that you submit has your name, section meeting time, and instructor name in a comment at the top.

Copy your files to RCS:

Copy all of the files that you will submit to RCS. This will include a readme file and any file with a .cpp suffix or a .h suffix, but not, I repeat not files with a .exe, .dsp, .dsw .ncb or .opt suffix.

Your submission must include a text file called readme.txt This file must include your name, section meeting time, and instructor name. In addition, it must include a list of all the inplementation files and any special instructions that the TA will need to know in order to run your program.


Snoop Doggie Dog
Section 8: Thursday, 6 PM
Eric Breimer 


To run the program type
airlines.exe input_file.txt
Then follow the prompts and instructions

Create a tar file:

Login to a Unix system and do the following:

Create a tar file. Tar is an acronym for Tape Archive. To create a tar file, use the tar command with two flags c (for create) and f (for file), followed by the file name of the tar file (it should have a .tar suffix) followed by the names of all of the files that you want to send. For example the following command:
tar cf temp.tar myfile.h myfile.cpp readme.txt
creates a tar file called temp.tar which contains three files, myfile.h, myfile.cpp and readme.txt.

You will need to check to make sure that the tar file is correct. The best way to do this is to copy the tar file to another directory and run the following command: tar xf temp.tar
After running this command, the files myfile,cpp, myfile.h and myfile.rc will be in the new directory. Here are the unix commands to do this:

mkdir newdir
cp temp.tar newdir/temp.tar
cd newdir
tar xf temp.tar
The first line creates a new directory called newdir, the second copies the tar file to the new directory, the third line makes newdir the current directory, and the fourth line extracts the files.

Copy the tar file:

The submission directory is /dept/cs/cs230/project1/. In the submission directory are sub-directories for each section. Copy your tar file to the proper sub-directory. For example, if you are in section 8, copy your tar file to /dept/cs/cs230/project1/section8. The name of your tar file must be login.tar, where login is your RCS login. For example, if your login name is snoopd, your tar file must have the name snoopd.tar.

Use the unix copy command cp to do this. For example:

cp temp.tar /dept/cs/cs230/project1/section8/snoopd.tar

Please, make sure you copy your tar file into the subdirectory for your section and verify that the name of your tar file is your RCS login. You will not recieve credit for your submission unless you follow the submission guidelines


Eric Breimer