1) How do I get started at my project?
For any piece of software this is the sequence of steps that are followed:
2) Should I use any coding conventions?
There is no strict requirement that you should use one. But it makes the code readable and easier to understand. Whatever convention you decide to use , be consistent in its use throughout your program. Here is one suggestion:
Typically you will be using the following two relationships in your design
class Base <-------- class Derived
If more than one classes are derived from the same base class, show it as follows:
class Base <--------- class Derived1
class Derived2
class Derived3
If one class
is derived from more than one base class i.e muiltiple inheritance,
show it as follows:
class Base 1 <------------ class Derived
class Base 2
class Base 3
to depict containment
Eg: class Cage
contains an object of class Animal as a data member ( Containment
by Value )
class Cage [ class Animal ]
If class Cage contains
a pointer to object of class Schedule , then show it as follows:
( Containment by Reference )
class Cage [ class Schedule* ]
You can combine
the above two examples as:
class Cage [ class Animal, class Schedule* ]
Note 1: Don't
go below one level of nesting. Eg: if class Animal has some
other objects as data
members, show them in a different sketch.
Note 2 : You
can combine the notations till the whole thing is readable.
Eg: the following is fine
class CObject <--------class Cage[class Animal, class Schedule*]