The Meows and Mutts (M&M) animal clinic and kennel has decided to automate the process of scheduling animals for boarding. They want a new program and they are hiring you to write it for them. Since you have negotiated your contract with M&M so that you retain the rights to the software and since you would like to sell it to other kennels, you need to make your program flexible.
M&M, or any other kennel, will provide you with a list of cages, numbered sequentially starting from 0. Each cage has a weight range of the animals that can fit in it. Once the list of cages is known (assume it will not change), you are ready to start scheduling animals. Only accept reservations for the current calendar year (1-1-2000 to 12-31-2000).
The scheduling must handle several operations.
There are many ways this program could be implemented, many different data structures and algorithms that could be used, and many ways the project description could be extended and made more realistic. It will be interesting to think about these issues during the project and as we explore more sophisticated data structures. For now, however, try to keep it as simple as possible. Use the sequential container classes (lists, vectors, deques, stacks and queues) from the standard (STL) library where needed, and use the STL algorithms whenever you can.
Pay particular attention to the design of your classes. Here is an outline of classes you might have:
The program will be run with the command-line
animals cages.txt(You can set program arguments in Developer Studio using the Project->Settings menu, under the Debug tab.) After reading the cages from cages.txt (or whatever name is provided), the program should interactively query the user for input. All output should be to std::cout or std::cerr.
The format of cages.txt is simple. Each line will give the the minimum and maximum weights (integers) for that cage. The cage numbers will be implicit in the ordering of the input file. The number of cages will be determined by the number of input lines. There will be no mistakes in the file.
The interactive queries will have the following formats. First the user should type one of the characters `S', `C', `R', `A', `P', or `Q' (to quit). Small letters should be allowed as well so the program isn't case sensitive.
Fido 11with the name ending with a whitespace and the weight being an integer. The starting date and duration will be described by 3 integers: a month, a day, and a number of days.
You should use the Visual Studio environment and you must submit a makefile. Visual Studio will create one for you but you must explicity tell it to make it available (under the Project menu, select Export Makefile).
A preliminary submission is required (see the beginning of the project description for the Preliminary Submission Deadline): each student must submit a brief outline of the design of the classes for the project. Submission should be via email to the TA for your section. This outline should indicate the class declarations, member function declaration (but not implementation) and member variables. It must also include a drawing (done with a text editor) of your classes and their interrelationships. Students not submitting an outline or submitting an obviously thoughtless one by the indicated date will have a 10 point penalty taken from the project grade. During final implementation of the project, students should feel free to revise the design (in part based on the feedback).
The Final Submission Deadline is given at the beginning of the project description. Projects submitted after the deadliine will not be accepted for credit. If you do not submit a project before the deadline, you will get a grade of zero and there will be no opportunity to make up the lost credit. This project is worth 10 This project will require a number of files, so submission will require some extra steps. Make sure that every file that you submit has your name, section meeting time, and instructor name in a comment at the top.
Copy your files to RCS:Copy all of the files that you will submit to RCS. This will include a readme file, a makefile and any file with a .cpp suffix or a .h suffix, but not, I repeat not files with a .exe, .dsp, .dsw .ncb or .opt suffix. Your submission must include a text file called readme.txt This file must include your name, section meeting time, and instructor name. In addition, it must include a list of all the inplementation files and any special instructions that the TA will need to know in order to run your program.
Snoop Doggie Dog Section 8: Thursday, 6 PM Eric Breimer cage.h cage.cpp animal.h animal.cpp schedule.h schedule.cpp main.cpp To run the program type animals cages.txt
Create a tar file: Login to a Unix system and do the following:
Create a tar file. Tar is an acronym for Tape Archive.
To create a tar file, use the tar command with two flags c
(for create) and f (for file), followed by the file name of
the tar file (it should have a .tar suffix) followed by
the names of all of the files that you want to send. For example
the following command:
tar cf temp.tar myfile.h myfile.cpp readme.txt
creates a tar file called temp.tar which contains
three files, myfile.h, myfile.cpp and readme.txt.
You will need to check to make sure that the tar file is correct.
The best way to do this is to copy the tar file to another
directory and run the following command:
tar xf temp.tar
After running this command, the files myfile,cpp, myfile.h
and myfile.rc will be in the new directory.
Here are the unix commands to do this:
mkdir newdir cp temp.tar newdir/temp.tar cd newdir tar xf temp.tarThe first line creates a new directory called newdir, the second copies the tar file to the new directory, the third line makes newdir the current directory, and the fourth line extracts the files.
Copy the tar file:The submission directory is /dept/cs/cs230/project1/. In the submission directory are sub-directories for each section. Copy your tar file to the proper sub-directory. For example, if you are in section 8, copy your tar file to /dept/cs/cs230/project1/section8. The name of your tar file must be login.tar, where login is your RCS login. For example, if your login name is snoopd, your tar file must have the name snoopd.tar. If you want to update your submission, the name of your tar file must be login-2.tar. Keep incrementing the number every time you want to update your file. Therefor, the name of your third update should be login-3.tar and your fourth update should be login-4.tar.
Use the unix copy command cp to copy your submission. For example:
cp temp.tar /dept/cs/cs230/project1/section8/snoopd.tar
Please, make sure you copy your tar file into the subdirectory for your section and verify that the name of your tar file is your RCS login. You will not recieve credit for your submission unless you follow the submission guidelines.
Check list:
Students may discuss the program design, especially the design of the classes. Implementation of class member functions and the main program must be done individually. Sharing of code is expressly forbidden and will be detected by code comparison tools. Projects from all 8 sections will be graded together by the TAs.
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Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, Nikos Drakos, Computer Based Learning Unit, University of Leeds.
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latex2html -no_navigation -split 0 desc.tex.
The translation was initiated by Eric Breimer on 1/13/2000