Reading in and reconstructing the tree is also recursive:
- 1.
- Read a character byte.
- 2.
- If the character is ``.'' (period),
then we have a leaf:
- (a)
- Read the next byte, and create a new tree
with that value in its node.
- (b)
- Return the new tree.
- 3.
- Otherwise, the character must be a left parentheses,
indicating we have two subtrees:
- (a)
- Recursively read in the left subtree.
- (b)
- Read in and skip the closing right parentheses and the
next left parentheses.
- (c)
- Recursively read in the right subtree.
- (d)
- Read in and skip the closing right parentheses.
- (e)
- Create a new tree combining the left and right subtrees,
and return it.
Charles Stewart