Programming in Lisp: Course Syllabus



Name: Kenneth Flynn
Office Hours:
(in AE 107)
T: 8 - 9:30 pm (after class)
R: 12:30 - 2:00 pm
or by appointment

Course Meetings

We will meet in Sage 3303, on Wednesday from 4 - 5:50 pm. Note that this is a half semester course, and will only run between August 26th and October 14th.

Required Text

The required text for this course is ANSI Common Lisp by Paul Graham. It is published by Prentice Hall, 1996. ISBN 0-13-370875-6 (First Edition). An optional text for those wishing a complete reference to the language is also available: Lisp, by Guy L. Steele.


The official prerequisite for this course is Computer Science I or equivalent experience.

Course Notes

Course notes and other materials will be made available through the course website: Check back there frequently.

Content / Objectives

In this course, it is our objective to teach a thorough knowledge of the Lisp programming language, as well as expose students to some uses of Lisp in Artificial Intelligence.


Class Date Topics Readings Notes
1 8/26 Introduction 2  
2 9/2 Data Structures 3, 4  
3 9/9 Structures, Control, Functions 5, 6  
  9/13     Hwk. #1 Due
4 9/16 Input / Output, Symbols 7, 8  
Halfway Quiz Date/Time TBA      
5 9/23 Numbers, Macros 9, 10  
  9/25     Hwk #2 Due
6 9/30 CLOS 11  
7 10/7 Structure, Speed 12, 13  
Final Exam 10/14      
  10/18     Hwk #3 Due


Grades are based on the following weights:

Item Weights Alternative Weights
Midterm 15% 15%
Final Exam 15% -
Class Participation 25% 25%
Project #1 15% 20%
Project #2 15% 20%
Project #3 15% 20%

For students who do well on the Halfway Quiz (a letter grade of 'B' or better), the final exam is optional. Students not wishing to take the final exam may instead use the Alternative Weights given above.

In Class Activities

At least once every lecture, we will break into groups of two and complete an in-class activity sheet relating to the content covered in class. While the nature of our facilities makes it difficult to have this course in a true studio format, we will endeavor to do various activities to enhance the learning process. Activities will not be graded harshly; they are merely to indicate your effort in mastering the course material.


Homework is due at 11:59:59 on the dates shown above. Students wishing more time may appeal to the instructor by noon on the date due for an extension. Extensions will be granted at the sole discretion of the instructor. Homework received late without an extension will suffer a 10% penalty for each day late that RPI is in session.

The homework for this course is intended to be somewhat challenging. Students should not wait until the night the homework is due to begin work. Students are encouraged to maintain a dialog about the homework with the instructor; questions are especially encouraged!

Homework may be done in teams of two. Both students will receive the same grade. Students are expected to divide the work fairly among the team members, and to be aware of all aspects of the final project.


Exams will be given on the dates shown above. Students who have a conflict should contact the instructor to schedule an alternative exam period. Exams may cover any material from the lectures or readings. Exams will be open book.

Academic Integrity

Collaboration on in class activities is highly encouraged. Each student should make sure, however, to fully understand the material.

Homeworks are to be done by individual teams. Each team should develop it's own project. Discussion of the project is permitted, but each team must understand and complete the project separately.

Exams are to be done individually. No collaboration is permitted.

You all know know what not to do. A full description of academic dishonesty is provided in the Rensselaer Handbook, pages 67-70.

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Page created by Kenneth Flynn