Test #1 topics
Layered Models
- what are they ?
- why would anyone ever create a layered model ?
- come up with a layered model that describes how 2 people might communicate
without speaking the same language.
Unix & IPC
- What is Unix?
- What is a system call ?
- What is the difference between a pipe and a FIFO?
- Give an example of a situation in which we could use a FIFO but not
a pipe (explain why).
- Describe how you create a new process in Unix.
- Tell me about LANS and WANS
- What is the OSI reference model?
- What do the data-link, network and transport layers of the OSI reference
model do ?
- What is a bridge?
- What is a router?
- Describe the following:
- connectionless vs.connection-oriented
- stream vs. messages based
- flow control
- multiacess vs. point-to-point networks
- What is a broadcast?
- What is TCP/IP?
- Tell me about IP.
- Tell me about UDP.
- Tell me about TCP.
Sockets Programming
- how does the sockets API support generic endpoint addresses?
- what are the components of a TCP/IP endpoint address?
- What is "Network Byte Order" and why is it necessary?
Case Studies
- Tell me a little about TFTP
- Tell me a little about LPD
- Tell me a lot about FTP
- control and data connections
- proxy
- command format
- reply format
- data transfer modes
Extra credit
- What are the names of my kids?
- How do you forge email?
- How many network programmers does it take to change a lightbulb?