---------------------------------------------------- Typos and errors found in "UNIX Network Programming" (Last updated March 19, 1995) - p. 2: Two 1200 baud modems and a phone line are required to hook together two personal computers, not one. Also, the term "bps" is really better than "baud". - p. 44: In Figure 2.4 the description for SIGCONT should be "Continue after SIGTSTP or SIGSTOP". - p. 53: 4th sentence in next to last paragraph: "If we called sigblock first, to unblock the signal" should be "If we called sigsetmask first,". - p. 59: Item 2 at top of page: "If the pathname argument to execlp or execvp" should be "if the filename argument to execlp or execvp". - p. 62: Second line on the page should refer to Figure 2.4, not Figure 2.3. - p. 73: 6th line from top of page: "have by the following characteristics" should be "have the following characteristics". - p. 99: First line: the #define of LOCKFILE isn't needed, since it's never used. - p. 212: 3rd paragraph: "We show how a user process can set the TCP push flag". There is no way for a user application to explicitly set this flag. It's set automatically by TCP. - p. 212: Last paragraph: the maximum size of an IP datagram is 65535 bytes, not 65536. - p. 217: Next to last sentence of 2nd paragraph: "six hexadecimal digits" should be "six hexadecimal numbers". - p. 277: End of 2nd line on page: "otherwise its nonzero." should be "otherwise it's nonzero." - p. 283: In the call to recvfrom() in the function dg_cli(), some systems (SunOS 4.x for example) don't allow the 6th argument to be a null pointer. On these systems you should declare an integer (int len;), set it to 0 before the call to recvfrom (len = 0;) and then pass a pointer to this integer as the 6th argument (&len). - p. 302: In the prototype for getsockname(), the name "peer" for the second argument is really a misnomer. A better name would be "local". - p. 344: Below Figure 7.2: "which is shown in Figure 6.2." should be "which is shown in Figure 6.3." - p. 365: The assignment of &serv_addr to callptr->addr.buf is incorrect. Since t_alloc() allocated the structure, it allocated memory for the server address and stored the pointer in addr.buf. In the example in the book, this assignment causes no harm, but if the example were to call t_free() two things would happen: t_free() would try and release the memory occupied by the automatic variable serv_addr, and the original memory allocated by t_alloc() would never be freed (i.e., a memory leak). - p. 413: Same potential error in the call to recvfrom() as noted on p. 283 above. - p. 449: In the ping program, the function inet_ntoa() is called with the wrong type of argument (a "u_long" instead of a "struct in_addr"). The call in main() on this page should be inet_ntoa(dest.sin_addr); - p. 457: There are three calls to inet_ntoa() on this page with the wrong type of argument. Replace all three with inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *) &from->sin_addr.s_addr) - p. 564: Last line of page: "rhsd server" should be "rshd server". - p. 706: Last sentence of item 3: "When the response if received" should be "When the response is received". - p. 749: The entry for BBN should not have a comma after "Bolt". Similar fix for the entry "Bolt, Beranek and Newman". - p. 763: Delete index entry for "rhsd server". The following errors are corrected in the 8th printing (check the copyright page to see if the last number above the ISBN is 8 or greater.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - p. xi: Last paragraph of Preface: Update e-mail address to "rstevens@noao.edu" and state that examples are available at ftp.uu.net in the file published/books/stevens.netprog.tar.Z. - p. 15: Last sentence before "Argument List": "status of the program in "unpredictable" should be "status of the program is unpredictable". - p. 19: Halfway down the page: "using a disk file or some form or interprocess" should be "using a disk file or some form of". - p. 46: Item 2, halfway down the page: "All signals, other than SIGKILL" should be "All signals, other than SIGKILL and SIGSTOP". - p. 51: Second bullet item (half way down the page), second sentence: "But we don't want to signal discarded" should be "But we don't want the signal discarded". - p. 68: Half way down the page, the line of output after "Executing the program again yields", "prgrp" should be "pgrp". - p. 87: Second to last sentence in first paragraph of chapter 3: "to assure certain" should be "to assure". - p. 110: 12th line from the top: "file mode access mode" should be "file mode access word". - p. 129: 17th line from the top: "len specifies" should be "length specifies". - p. 132: 1st line: "Both of these program" should be "Both of these programs". - p. 141: In item 3 towards the top of the page the sentence "Then the absolute value of sem_op is subtracted from the semaphore's current value." should be added between the two existing sentences. - p. 141: In the comment for the "array" member of the "union semun" the two constants IPC_GETALL and IPC_SETALL should be GETALL and SETALL. - p. 146: In the comment halfway down the page: "any process that exit's" should be "any process that exits" (remove single quote). - p. 148: Halfway down the page in the code, the line if ( (semval = semctl(id, 1, GETVAL, 0)) < 0) should be semctl_arg.val = 0; if ( (semval = semctl(id, 1, GETVAL, semctl_arg)) < 0) This same type of fix (replacing the argument of 0 with the actual union whose "arg" member is zero) needs to be applied to the semctl() call at the bottom of p. 149 (sem_rm() function) and halfway down p. 150 (sem_close() function). - p. 148: In the line of code "err_sys("can SETVAL[0]");" 3/4 of the way down the page, replace "can" with "can't". Do the same thing 3 lines down (for SETVAL[1]). - p. 282: In the function str_cli at the top of the page, the line "recvline[n] = 0; /* null terminate */" right before the call to fputs can be removed, since readline stores the terminating null. - p. 285: Near bottom of page: "if the system is a multihomed" should be "if the system is multihomed". - p. 305: The word "fileystem" 1/3 down the page should be "filesystem". - p. 339: Halfway down page (RFC 868): Harrenstein should be Harrenstien. (The bibliography entry is correct.) - p. 350: Fig. 7.6: the two occurences of ".buff" should be ".buf". - p. 371: First sentence: replace "Section 6.5" with "Section 7.4". - p. 371: In the last line of Figure 7.11 replace T_UNBIND with T_UNBND. - p. 401: In the error message after "if (port < 0)" the word "implemeneted" should be "implemented". - p. 415: In the call to fgets halfway down the page replace the second argument ("MAXLINE") with "MAXLINE - sizeof(long)". - p. 428: The comment one-third of the way down the page that starts with (a) is wrong. The last sentence of that item should say "then that user name has to equal the user name on the client (cliuname)". - p. 437: First sentence of Section 10.2: Harrenstein should be Harrenstien. (The bibliography entry is correct.) - p. 518: Fourth line of program text, describing -i option: "inted" should be "inetd". - p. 546: The comment "set to same value for now" for the variable "seqnum" should be removed. - p. 612: In the last sentence of next to last paragraph: "(Stopped) tty input" should be "Stopped (tty input)". - p. 627: The word TIOCKPT_xxx in the comment halfway down the page should be TIOCPKT_xxx. - p. 630: The comment in the middle of the page: "Get the name of the server we connect to" should be "Get the port number for the rlogin service". - p. 635: The word "haldner" in the comment preceding the sigcld_parent() function should be "handler". - p. 648: Same as on p. 627: TIOCKPT_xxx should be TIOCPKT_xxx. - p. 697: Last sentence "16-bit UDP port number" should be "16-bit TCP and UDP port numbers." - p. 702: The following footnote should be added to the command line at the top of the page: "Be aware that some systems have an rdate(8) command for the superuser to set the time and date from a remote host. If you compile and run this example you may want to change the name." - p. 716: Last paragraph of Section 18.4: "This protocol ..." should be "An overview of this protocol is given in Xerox [1985]." (There is no 1986 reference by Xerox.) - p. 723: Near center of page at right margin: "provided my" should be "provided by". - p. 751: The index entry for page 473 under "connect system call" is wrong and should be removed. - p. 753: The page numbers for the index entry for "/etc/inetd.conf file" should be: 335-337, 471, 713. - p. 753: Delete the index entry for "/etc/rmt server". (The entry is under "rmt server" on p. 763.) - p. 755: Delete the index entry for "inetd.conf file". (The entry is under "/etc/inetd.conf file" on p. 753.) - p. 756: Delete the index entry for "inittab file". (The entry is under "/etc/inittab file" on p. 753.) - p. 763: The index entry "Reynolds, J." should have an entry for p. 526. - p. 763: The index entry "rmt server" should have an entry for p. 320. - p. 771: Remove the index entry for T_UNBIND. The following errors are corrected in the 5th printing (check the copyright page to see if the last number above the ISBN is 5 or greater.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - p. xi (Preface), 3rd paragraph from bottom: "Much of the what I have learned" should be "Much of what I have learned". - p. 12 (Section 2.2), second bullet: "RFS (Remote File System)" should be "RFS (Remote File Sharing)". - p. 14 (Section 2.2), last paragraph, first sentence: "if an errors occurs" should be "if an error occurs". - p. 39 (Section 2.3), in the prototype for the open function, the comma in "oflag," should be removed. - p. 57 (exit System Call). The 2nd paragraph of this section should refer to Figure 2.1, not Figure 2.3. - p. 58 (Section 2.5), last sentence of item 1. at bottom of page: the word "argv" should be italicized, not in a constant-width font. - p. 93 (Section 3.2), 2nd paragraph from top, 2nd sentence: "When the function is F_TLOCK and the region is already locked", the F_TLOCK should be F_LOCK. - p. 111 (Section 3.5), first sentence: "If a process writes less than the capacity of a pipe" should be "If a process writes less than the capacity of a pipe or FIFO". - p. 114 (Section 3.5). The header file "fifo.h" referred to in the code on pages 113 and 114 simply contains the first 8 lines from the code listing on page 112. Add a note to the bottom of p. 114 stating this. - p. 125 (Section 3.8), last sentence: "An an example" should be "As an example". - p. 128 (Section 3.9), first sentence of last paragraph: "The name mtext", the word "mtext" should be in a constant-width font, not italics. - p. 128 (Section 3.9), third from last sentence: "By template we mean that the ptr", the word "ptr" should be italicized, not in a constant-width font. - p. 130 (Section 3.9), about halfway down the page: "This does not include the long integer message size" should be "This does not include the long integer message type". - p. 133 (Section 3.9), last paragraph, first sentence: "if the ability" should be "is the ability". - p. 140 (Section 3.10), in the prototype for semop(), "struct sembuf **opsptr" should be "struct sembuf *opsptr" (remove one asterisk). - p. 141 (Section 3.10), item 1. near top of page: "the value of sem_val is added to" should be "the value of sem_op is added to". - p. 146 (Section 3.10), first line of C comment: "Provide an" should be "Provide a". - p. 276 (Section 6.5), halfway down the page: "These four functions are operate" should be "These four functions all operate". - p. 277 (Section 6.5), halfway down the page: "converts a charter string" should be "converts a character string". - p. 284 (Section 6.6), the port numbers chosen for the TCP and UDP examples, 6000, should be different (say 6543), since 6000 is used on many systems by the X11 window system. - p. 300 (Section 6.7), halfway down the page in the code example, the second argument to writev() should be "&iov[0]", not "&iovec[0]". - p. 310 (Section 6.10), "The program that is execed by the parent" should be "The program that is execed by the child". - p. 320 (Section 6.11), SO_TYPE paragraph: "that inherits a process when it is started" should be "that inherits a socket when it is started". - p. 323 (Section 6.11), first two entries in Figure 6.16 have incorrect descriptions. The first description (for FIOCLEX) should be "set close-on-exec for fd". The second description (for FIONCLEX) should be "clear close-on-exec for fd". - p. 333 (Section 6.15), second sentence under SIGIO: "The signal is sent to the process group of the signal" should be "The signal is sent to the process group of the socket". - p. 334 (Section 6.15), second to last sentence under SIGURG: "The signal is sent to the process group of the signal" should be "The signal is sent to the process group of the socket". - p. 343 (Section 7.1), first paragraph: "RFS (Remote File System)" should be "RFS (Remote File Sharing)". - p. 350 (Section 7.4), the "char *ptr" should really be a "struct t_uderr *ptr" and the call to t_alloc() should be coerced as "ptr = (struct t_uderr *) t_alloc(...)" - p. 351 (Section 7.4), final paragraph: the words "request" and "return" that are in a constant-width font should both be italicized. - p. 352 (Section 7.4), the two paragraphs following the prototype for the t_connect function: the words "addr", "opt", "udata", "sequence", and "len" which are all in italics should all be in a constant-width font. - p. 362 (Section 7.5), the name of the header file is not given -- it is "inet.h". - p. 362 (Section 7.5), same as p. 284 regarding the port numbers. - p. 370 (Section 7.6), last paragraph under "nonblocking I/O": "can accept some data, t_snd returns the actual number of bytes accepted and the TMORE flags value is returned to the caller" should be replaced with "can accept some (but not all) of the data, t_snd returns the actual number of bytes accepted as if the T_MORE flags was specified by the caller". - p. 373 (Section 7.6), first sentence of "t_rcvconnect Function". "allows a server to accept" should be "allows a client to initiate". - p. 381 (Section 7.9), second to last paragraph: "Remote File System" should be "Remote File Sharing". - p. 381 (Section 7.9), last paragraph: "/dev/sxt" should be "/dev/spx". - p. 382 (Figure 7.19), caption: "/dev/sxt" should be "/dev/spx". - p. 395 (Section 8.2), about half way down the page: "The addr is a pointer to a sockaddr_in structure" should be "The addr is a pointer to a in_addr structure". - p. 405, 5th line from bottom, add comma after "network speed". - p. 457, (Section 11.2), in the comment near the top of the page, "convert # 16-bit words to #bytes" should be "convert #32-bit words to #bytes". - p. 458, (Section 11.2), half-way down the page the string "Source Quence" should be "Source Quench". - p. 466, final sentence of first paragraph: remove "a" in "a Section 12.4.)". - p. 480 (Section 12.7), last line of large comment: "its" should be "it's". - p. 497 (Section 12.7), the last line of the first code listing has the word "statistics" misspelled. - p. 543 (Section 13.3), the name of the header file is not given -- it is "defs.h". - p. 554 (Section 13.4): first paragraph of the section: "lp -plaser1" should be "lp -dlaser1" (change -p to -d). - p. 699 Figure 18.2: the row labelled "floating-point format": the entry "IEEE" should be under "Sun RPC", not "Xerox Courier". The entry under "Xerox Courier" should be blank. - p. 699 Figure 18.2: Under Apollo: IEEE, VAX, IBM, or Cray. (add commas) - p. 751 (Index): the entry for "/dev/sxt" should be "/dev/spx". - p. 755 (Index): the entry for in_addr needs page 395 added to it. - p. 763 (Index): the entry for "Remote File System" should be "Remote File Sharing". - p. 763 (Index): the entry for "RFS (Remote File System" should be "RFS (Remote File Sharing". - p. 767 (Index): the entry for sockaddr_in needs page 395 removed from it. - p. 770 (Index): the entry "TMORE constant, 370" should be deleted. The entry for T_MORE should have page 370 added to it.