Unix System Programming

Unix Versions

Process ID (PID)

Every process is assigned a unique identifier by the kernel. Typically the PID is a small positive integer in the range 0-32767 (the range of possible positive 16 bit 2s complement integers).


If you would like your program to find out the PID that has been assigned when the program is run (the PID of your process):

	int    getpid();        /* BSD based systems */
	pid_t  getpid();	/* POSIX, Sys V */

Parent Processes

Every process has a parent process. To find out the process ID of a your parent process - your program would need to include a call to the getppid system call:
	int   getppid();        /* BSD based systems */
	pid_t getppid();	/* POSIX */

User ID (UID)

Every user account is assigned a unique (positive integer) identifier by the system administrator. A process can find out the UID of the user executing the process with the getuid system call:
	unsigned short  getuid(); /* BSD */
	uid_t  getuid();	/* POSIX */


A process can run with the privileges of the user who owns the program being run rather than the user running the program. In this situation the process has an effective user ID that is different from the value returned by getuid. To find out the effective user ID :
	uid_t geteuid();	/* POSIX */

Group ID

Each user is assigned a positive integer group ID (GID) by the system administrator. Typically there are many users with the same GID. A process can find out the GID of the user executing the process with the getgid system call:
	gid_t  getgid();		/* POSIX */

Effective Group ID

There is also an effective GID which determines the group whose permissions will be assumed by a process.
	gid_t getegid();	/* POSIX */


The assignment of UIDs is (typically) kept in the file /etc/passwd which also contains other information about each account on the system. For each account the following information is present:

/etc/passwd File Format

Accessing the password database

There are a number of library functions which can be used to access information from the password database. This is important for 2 reasons:

passwd Database Access Functions

#include pwd.h

The include file pwd.h defines prototypes for functions which access the password database and defines the type struct passwd:
struct passwd {
	char	*pw_name;	/* login name */
	char	*pw_passwd;     /* encrypted pw */
	int	pw_uid;	        /* user ID */
	int	pw_gid;	        /* group ID */
	char	*pw_gecos; 	/* misc. (name)*/
	char	*pw_dir;	/* home directory */
	char 	*pw_shell; 	/* login shell */

Password Database Access Example

#include < stdio.h >
#include < pwd.h >
main() {
  struct passwd *pwd;		
  pwd = getpwnam("hollingd");
  printf("Login name: \n",pwd->pw_name);
  printf("UID: 0\n",pwd->pw_uid);
  printf("GID: 0\n",pwd->pw_gid);
  printf("Real Name: \n",pwd->pw_gecos);

Group Database Access

Group information is kept in /etc/group and is accessed via the following functions:

#include grp.h

The include file grp.h defines struct group:
struct group {
char	*gr_name;	/* group name */
char	*gr_passwd;	/* encrypted password */
int	gr_uid;		/* user ID */
char 	**gr_mem;	/* array of ptrs to names */

Filenames & Pathnames

Every Unix file (or directory or special file) has a name. The only ascii characters not allowed are '\0' and '/', although there are other characters that should be avoided.

A pathname is a null terminated string made up of one or more filenames seperated by the '/' character. If a pathname begins with the '/' character - the pathname is absolute, otherwise the pathname is relative to the current working directory.

Pathname examples

File Descriptors

File Attributes

Files have many attributes. The include file sys/stat.h includes a definition of a structure which is filled in by the stat and fstat system calls.
struct stat {
dev_t	st_dev;  		/* ID of device */
ino_t	st_ino;  		/* inode number */
umode_t	st_mode; 		/* type, access perms. */
link_t	st_nlink;		/* # of hard links */
uid_t	st_uid;  		/* user id */
gid_t	st_gid;  		/* group id */
dev_t	st_rdev; 		/* device type */
off_t	st_size; 		/* total size in bytes */
time_t	st_atime;		/* time of last access */
time_t	st_mtime;		/* time of last mod.*/
time_t	st_ctime;		/* time of last sts chnge */
unsigned long st_blksize;	/* blocksize */
unsigned long st_blocks;	/* # blocks */


The st_mode field of a stat structure contains information about the file type, access permissions, the set-uid and set-gid flags and something called the sticky bit.

There are bitmasks and other constants defined in sys/stat.h which are used to access the individual bitfields within st_mode.

st_mode - File Access Permissions

File access permissions control which users can access a file. Keep in mind that each process is running with some effective UID and effective GID - these are used to determine what operations are permitted for that process on individual files.

File Access (cont.)

Every file has the attributes st_uid and st_gid which define the user and group ownership of the file. Each time a process attempts to acccess a file (either directly through a system call or indirectly via a library function) the kernel decides if access is allowed according to the following algorithm:

File Access Algorithm

File Mode Creation Mask (umask)

Every process has an attribute called the file mode creation mask. This mask is used whan a process creates a new file or directory. The LS 9 bits of the umask correspond to the LS 9 bits of the st_mode field. Each time a file or directory is created, each bit that is set in the process umask specifies that the corresponding bit in st_mode should be cleared.

umask example

For example, if a new file is created and the mode (permissions) specified are 0664, and the process umask is 022 - the result will be that the file will be created with permissions 644 (group write disabled).

Current Working Directory

Finding out and changing the current working directory.

I/O System Calls

The standard I/O library includes many functions that provide high-level I/O services to a process. We will concentrate on the low-level I/O services provided by the kernel.

System calls typically return a -1 on error and set the global variable errno to indicate the exact error condition.

The open system call

oflag parameter to open()

oflag is specified by a logical OR of the following (defined in fcntl.h):
O_RDONLY	Open for read access only
O_WRONLY	Open for write access only
O_RDWR		Open for read and write
O_NDELAY	Do not block
O_APPEND	Append to EOF on each write
O_NDELAY	Do not block
O_CREAT		Create the file if it does not exist
O_TRUNC		If the file exists - truncate length to 0
O_EXCL		Error if O_CREAT and the file exists

The creat() system call

The creat system call creates a file (if it does not already exist), sets the permissions according to mode and the process umask, sets the file UID to the effective UID of the process, the file GID to the effective GID of the process and returns a file descriptor to the open file.

creat() continued

The close() system call

close() side effects

If the file descriptor passed to close() is the last copy of a particular file descriptor - the resources associated with the open file are freed (locks will be removed, or the file may be removed).

The read() system call

read() continued.

The write() system call

The write system call attempts to write data to an open file:
int write( int fildes, char *buff, unsigned int nbytes);

write() return value

dup() system calls

dup() continued

dup2() system call

The fcntl() system call

fcntl() cmd argument values

these constants are defined in fcntl.h:
F_DUPFD duplicate the file descriptor (like dup)
F_SETFD set the close-on-exec flag to arg
F_GETFD return the value of the close-on-exec flag
F_SETFL set file status flags for the file to arg
O_NDELAY - nonblocking
O_APPEND - all writes append
O_SYNC   - synchronous I/O
F_GETFL return the file status flags
There are others ...

Unix Signals

signal() system call

void (*signal (int sig, void (*func)(int)))(int);
This would tell the kernel to call the user defined function myfunc() whenever the signal SIGUSR1 is received.


POSIX Signals

Sources of Signals

kill() restrictions and options

Other sources of signals

POSIX & Signals