Network Software
Background Necessary
- Strong Programming skills.
- Unix (user) skills
- Systems programming experience.
- Ability to survive in an environment which does not include the
spoon feeding of every detail.
- Knowledge of the Internet
- OOP programming a plus.
- Tests(2) 30%
- Homework/Projects 45%
- Term Project 15%
Programming Projects
- Will use the C and C++ programming languages
- Unix
- Can work in teams
- Source code -and- written report due.
- Electronic Submission
Term Project
- Pick something you would like to learn about.
- Typically a programming project, but can be almost anything.
- Can work in teams.
- Plan topic ahead - can be related to your case study!
Classroom Activities
- Lectures
- Problem solving, brainstorming.
- Code Reviews
- Case Studies
- Questions
Academic Integrity
- No cheating tolerated !!!
- Document use of source code you did not write.
- Team projects must include a list of who did what.
- Request for HW extensions must be made in advance !!!
- Networking
- Unix
- OSI Reference Model
- Client/Server Programming
- Bridges & Routers
- Sockets Programming
- RPC Programming
- Existing Network services
- Security
- Performance
- Protocol suites
- Internet software