

Network Security

PRIVATE Communication in a PUBLIC World.

by Kaufman, Perlman & Speciner.

Secret Key Cryptography

Public Key Cryptography (a.k.a. asymmetric cryptography)

Digital Signature

Ed: The following doesn't make much sense without the pictures...

Transmitting over an insecure channel.

Alice wants to send Bob a private message.

Apublic is Alice’s public key.

Aprivate is Alice’s private key.

Bpublic is Bob’s public key.

Bprivate is Bob’s private key.

"Hello Bob, Wanna get together?"

encrypt using Bpublic

decrypt using Bprivate

OK Alice, Your place or mine?

decrypt using Aprivate

encrypt using Apublic

Bob’s Dilemma

Alice can sign her message!

Message Digest

Alice’s Signature

Sign with Aprivate

check signature using Apublic

encrypt using Bpublic

decrypt using Bprivate

Why the digest?


Another possible problem



Secure Protocols
