Client/Server - Sockets Programming
Client Design |
Server Design |
Sys. Architecture |
Protocol Design |
Issues in Client Programming
- Identifying the Server.
- Looking up a IP address.
- Looking up a well known port name.
- Specifying a local IP address.
- UDP client design.
- TCP client design.
Identifying the Server
- hard-coded into the client program.
- require that the user identify the server.
- read from a configuration file.
- use a separate protocol/network service.
Identifying a TCP/IP server.
- Need an IP address, protocol and port.
- We often use host names instead of IP addresses.
- usually the protocol (UDP vs. TCP) is not specified by the user.
- often the port is not specified by the user.
Host Names
- IP Addresses are great for computers
- IP address includes information used for routing.
- IP addresses are tough for humans to remember.
- IP addresses are impossible to guess. – ever guessed at the name of
a WWW site?
The Domain Name System
- The domain name system is usually used to translate a host name into
an IP address .
- Domain names comprise a hierarchy so that names are unique, yet easy
to remember.
DNS Hierarchy
Looking up a Domain Name
Services and Ports
- Many services are available via “well known” addresses (names).
- There is a mapping of service names to port numbers:
struct *servent getservbyname( char *service, char *protocol );
- servent->s_port is the port number in network byte order.
Specifying a Local Address
- When a client creates and binds a socket it must specify a local port
and IP address.
- Typically a client doesn’t care what port it is on:
haddr->port = 0;
Local IP address
UDP Client Design
- Establish server address (IP and port).
- Allocate a socket.
- Specify that any valid local port and IP address can be used.
- Communicate with server (send, recv)
- Close the socket.
Connected mode UDP
- A UDP client can call connect() to establish the address of
the server.
- The UDP client can then use read() and write() or send() and recv().
- A UDP client using a connected mode socket can only talk to one server
(using the connected-mode socket).
TCP Client Design
- Establish server address (IP and port).
- Allocate a socket.
- Specify that any valid local port and IP address can be used.
- Call connect() l Communicate with server (read,write).
- Close the connection.
retcode = connect( int s, struct sockaddr *addr, int addrlen);
- The return value is 0 if OK, -1 means there was an error.
- If connect is sucessfull the socket is ready for read() and write().
Closing a TCP socket
- Many TCP based application protocols support multiple requests and/or
variable length requests over a single TCP connection.
- How does the server known when the client is done (and it is OK to
close the socket) ?
Partial Close
- One solution is for the client to shut down only it’s writing end of
the socket.
- The shutdown() system call provides this function.
shutdown( int s, int direction);
- direction can be 0 to close the reading end or 1 to close the writing
- shutdown sends info to the other process!
TCP sockets programming
- null termination of strings.
- reads don’t correspond to writes.
- synchronization (including close()).
- ambiguous protocol.
TCP Reads
- Each call to read() on a TCP socket returns any available data (up
to a maximum).
- TCP buffers data at both ends of the connection.
- You must be prepared to accept data 1 byte at a time from a TCP
Reading n bytes
int readn( int sd, char *buf, int n) {
int i=0;
int cnt;
while ( (i0) i+=cnt; return i; }
Reading a line
int readline( int sd, char *buf, int max) {
int i=0;
if (read(sd,buf,1)!=1)
while (( buf[i]!=‘\n’) && (i<max) ) {
if (read(sd,buf+i,1)!=1) return(0);
Server Design
Concurrent vs. Iterative
- An iterative server handles a single client request at one time.
- A concurrent server can handle multiple client requests at one time.
Concurrent vs. Iterative
- Concurrent
- Large or variable size requests
- Harder to program
- Typically uses more system resources
- Iterative
- Small, fixed size requests
- Easy to program
Connectionless vs. Connection-Oriented
- Connection-Oriented
- transport protocol handles the tough stuff.
- requires separate socket for each connection.
- Connectionless
- less overhead
- no limitation on number of clients
- State: Information that a server maintains about the status of ongoing
client interactions.
- Connectionless servers that keep state information must be designed
The Dangers of Statefullness
- Clients can go down at any time.
- Clients can reboot many times.
- The network can lose messages.
- The network can duplicate messages.