CSCI 1200 Data Structures
Fall 2016

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  Lab materials
  Test reviews

Weekly Schedule
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  Lab Times

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Academic Integrity

C++ Development
  Code Editors & IDEs
  OS Choices
  Install Cygwin
  Memory Debugging
    Dr. Memory

  Optional Textbooks
  Web Resources
  Misc. C++ Programming
    Command Line Args
    File I/O
    string → int/float

How to Install MinGW / Minimalist GNU for Windows

WARNING: These instructions are out of date...
  1. Download the installer

  2. Execute the Installer

    • If you want the .bat script to work later on, you need to use the Default Location.
    • Make sure to select "Graphical (GUI) Installation" before continuing!
    • Select the following packages:
      • mingw32-base (C compiler + debugger)
      • mingw32-gcc-g++ (C++ compiler + debugger)
    • Goto Installation -> Apply Changes
    • Wait until the installation finishes, and then close the MingW Installation Manager.

  3. Finishing Install: Execute the provided .bat file

    • This adds the location of your compiler to your machine's PATH variable
    • Having the location of the compiler in the PATH variable is required to access the compiler in CMD

  4. Using G++

    • NOTE: The following instructions are for the CMD shell. Alternatively, you can install the MSYS shell for a more UNIX-like environment.

    • Open your command prompt. On any Windows Computer, pressing Windows+R opens the run window, then type:
    • Navigate to the directory of your program's source files using cd. Note that the Windows CMD uses \ (backwards slashes) to separate Folders, not /
    • Use dir to show the files in your current location
    • When you're in your project folder, execute g++ as you would normally, i.e.:
         g++ main.cpp -o main.exe -Wall
    • To execute your program, type:

  5. Using GDB

    • GDB for MinGW functions the same as its Linux and Cygwin counterparts
    • Refer to Step 3 to access the command prompt and change the directory
    • Refer to Debugging Lab for a "How To" on using GDB