CSCI.4210 Operating Systems Fall, 2009 Class 4
Process Concepts

The concept of a Process is fundamental to understanding how operating systems function. A Process is a program in execution. Other terms that are sometimes used to refer to a process are job or task. Each time that you run a program that you have compiled, you have created a new process. During the time that an operating system is running, numerous processes are started and terminated.

While some processes are started at a point in time, run for a while, and then stop, other processes, particularly those associated with the operating system kernel, are started when the system is booted up and run (or at least should run) until the operating system is shut down.

It is possible to find out what processes are running at any given time on your system. This page will show you how do to this

States of a Process

You might wondering how 40 or more processes can be running at the same time. This is a phenomenon called multiprogramming or multitasking and was developed by experimental and later commercial operating systems during the 1960s. At a particular instant in time, only one process can actually be running on a computer with only one CPU. However, the executable code for several processes is loaded into memory, and the processor switches rapidly between several jobs, giving the illusion that several jobs are running at once. At the risk of oversimplifying, a process can be in one of three states

the CPU is actually executing statements of this process. At any given instant, only one process can be running.
the process is loaded into memory and runnable, but is not actually running; the CPU is doing something else. The set of processes which are ready to run but not running are often referred to as being on the Ready Queue, although the data structure which contains these may not be a simple queue.
the process is not runnable because it is waiting for an event to occur. The usual event is that it is waiting for an I/O operation to complete, but there are lots of other events as well. Most of the processes which were listed by the ps command or displayed by the Task Manager are in this state. Another term for blocked is sleeping.

The Process State diagram and State Transitions

Here is a state diagram of these three states with their transitions

This state diagram is perhaps the most important in the entire study of Operating Systems, so it is important to understand what is happening in each state and how a process transitions from one state to another.

Here is what is happening at each transition.

  1. Ready to Running This event is triggered by a kernel operation called the process scheduler or dispatcher, which selects a process in the Ready state and starts running it.
  2. Running to Blocked This event would be triggered when a running process attempts to execute an IO operation such as a read or write or otherwise needs a resource which is not currently available. Accessing data from a disk takes several orders of magnitude longer than executing statements in the CPU, and so it makes sense for a process which is waiting for data from a disk to give up the CPU to another process while it is waiting.
  3. Blocked to Ready A process is in the waiting state when it is waiting for an event to occur, so when this event occurs, it moves from Waiting to Ready. For example, a process which was waiting for an IO operation would be unblocked when the IO operation was completed and the data had been copied to or from user space.
  4. Running to Ready A process moves from Running to Ready when the Process Scheduler determines that there is a process with a higher priority in the Ready queue. In many operating systems, if there are several runnable processes, each process is allocated a time slice or time quantum, and when this time slice ends, the running process is replaced by another process which is also ready to run, and the formerly running process is returned to the ready queue.
  5. New to Ready When a new process is created, it is moved to the ready state.
  6. Running to terminated There are two ways that a process can terminate. A normal termination occurs when the process reaches the end of main or calls the exit routine. An abnormal termination occurs when a process encounters an abnormal condition from which it cannot recover, such as a segmentation fault (memory access error) or when the user manually terminates the process.

The process of switching from one process to another is called Context Switching. If there are several runnable processes, all of them are loaded into memory. To execute a context switch, the kernel has to store the contents of all of the registers for the process which was formerly running, copy the register values for the new process into the registers, and start executing the next instruction of the new process. Thus, context switching can be done quickly.

This scenario is an oversimplification. The process scheduler is itself a process and so has to be swapped into the running state, although it is in the kernel, and is always in memory. Also, other kinds of interrupts may occur. In particular, clock interrupts happen many times a second, and so the running process has to be preempted to handle the new interrupt.

Here is a table from the text showing everything that happens when an interrupt occurs.

It should be obvious that multiprogramming can improve CUP utilization. Here is a graph showing theoretical CPU utilization as a function of the number of processes available to run (degree of multiprogramming), and the amount of time that each process spends performing I/O operations (20%, 50%, or 80%).

If processes are I/O bound, that is, spend most of their time performing I/O operations, many processes can be in memory at the same time.

The layout of a process in memory

Historically, a C program consists of the following pieces.

text segment also known as the code segment
the machine instructions executed by the CPU
initialized data segment
global variables which are initialized automatically
uninitialized data segment
(call the bss) global variables which are not initialized (e.g. long sum[1000])
storage for automatic variables along with other info about a function call (i.e. return address, register values)
memory for dynamic memory allocation. When a running program asks for more memory by calling malloc in a C program or new in a C++ program, the memory is found in the heap.
user area
maintains housekeeping info about the process (running time, open file descriptors, how it responds to signals)
page tables
used by the memory management system

The Run Time Stack

The concept of the run time stack is important. The normal state of affairs when a process is running is for a function to run for a while, then this function calls another function. Execution stops in the calling function and starts running in the called function. The called function may in turn call another function. Each time a new function is called, a new entity, called a stack frame is created and placed on the run time stack. A stack frame contains the following:

Stack frames are stored on a stack (duh!), which is a last-in-first-out data structure. A stack frame is created whenever a new function is called and a stack frame is destroyed (popped off the stack) when the currently running function terminates, either because it executes a return statement or it runs to the end of a void function.

Notice that both the stack and the heap vary in size during the execution of a program. As the run time stack increases, it grows upward, and as the heap increases, it grows downward.

File formats

The image of an executable which is stored on a disk usually contains header information which tells the operating system how to load and start the process. This is needed because when the executable image is created, the exact memory address where it will be loaded is not known. When the process is actually loaded, the system has to perform some address relocation. This usually involves setting values in various registers. To facilitate this, the header will contain information on the various segments. It may also have a symbol table.

There are a number of different formats for this. Many Unix systems use the coff (Common Object File Format), but most implementations of Linux use ELF(Executable and Linkable Format).

Windows also supports several file formats. The usual is the .exe format. You may have noticed that even a very simple program, which could not be more than a few lines of executable code, results in a executable file of tens of thousands of bytes. This is because of the extensive header information.

In the very early days of DOS (and CP/M), executables were often in the .com format. This was very small, with essentially no header information, but the size of the file was restricted to one segment (64K).

Device drivers and other kernel code are often in the .sys format. This is raw binary code with no relocation information.

The Process Control Blocks in the Kernel

The kernel needs a way to store housekeeping information about each current process. This information is stored in a structure which is often called a process control block. Typically when a new process is created, a new process control block is created and the appropriate values are filled in. A typical process control block might contain such fields as the following:

Typically there is a finite number of process control blocks, and so it is possible for a system to fill up its process control block table. When this occurs, it will be impossible for new processes to be created, and the system will not function properly.

Process creation and termination

All operating systems need a mechanism for creating new processes and terminating processes. We will discuss system calls to do this in the next section. When a new process is created, the system must allocate a new process control block, fill in the initial values for it, allocate memory for the new process, and copy at least some of the code for the new process into memory.

A newly created process is put in the ready queue. The process scheduler may decided that the newly created process has a higher priority and thus it will preempt the currently running process, running the new process immediately and placing the formerly running process on the ready queue.

We can distinguish two types of process termination, normal and abnormal. A normal termination of a process occurs either when the program reaches the end of main or when it executes the exit system call. Normal termination can only occur when the program is in the running state. An abnormal termination occurs when the program encounters an error condition from which it cannot recover, such as a memory exception fault (a segmentation fault in Unix jargon), or it is killed by another process. (You can generally kill a currently running process by hitting Control-c).

Regardless of how a process is terminated, the operating system will free up the memory used by the process, destroy the process control block for that process, and, in some systems, notify the parent process.

Unix Process System Calls

Now that you know what a process is, we can look at the system calls which create new processes. This module will discuss the Unix system calls related to processes, the next module will discuss the Win32 APIs related to processes.

The fork system call

On classical Unix systems , all processes are created with the fork() system call. This system call creates a new process which is an exact duplicate of the calling process. The process which called fork() is referred to as the parent and the new process which fork creates is called the child. Both processes, the parent and the child, are runnable and when run, start immediately after the fork system call.

Here is the function prototype

     #include <sys/types.h>
     #include <unistd.h>

     pid_t fork(void);

The data type pid_t refers to the type of a process id, which is an unsigned int on all systems that I am aware of. The return value of fork() is important. In the parent, the value returned from fork() is the process id of the child. In the child, the value returned from fork() is zero. In the case of an error, fork() will return a negative value.

Here is a simple program which demonstrates this.

#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdio.h>
extern int errno;
int main()
    pid_t pid;
    pid = fork();
    if (pid == 0) 
       printf("I'm the child\n");
    else if (pid > 0) {
       printf("I'm the parent, ");
       printf("child pid is %d\n",pid);
    else { /* pid < 0 */
       perror("Error forking");
       fprintf(stderr,"errno is %d\n",errno);
   return 0;
When the running program executes the fork system call at line 8, a new process is created. This child process has exactly the same code as the parent process. In this example there are no other variables, but if there happened to be a variable called x in the parent process with the value 17, there would also be a variable called x in the child process and it would have the value 17. Both the parent and the child will start running at the line after the fork. The only way that the programmer can distinguish whether the code is the parent or the child is by the return value from fork.

This picture shows the layout of processes in memory before and after process 1234 calls fork to create a child process with process id 1235.

A call to fork is unlikely to fail under ordinary circumstances. However, all Unix systems have a limit on the total number of processes which can be run by a single user and the total number of processes which are in the process table at one time, and so if the creation of a new process would cause either of these limits to be exceeded, it will fail, returning a negative value and the child process will not be created.

The following are the same for the parent process and the child process

Note that although the values of all variables are the same, all of the various data segments, including the run time stack are copied, so that there are two instances of each variable, allowing each process to update data independently.

The following are different for the parent process and the child process

Note that every process except the init process (init has pid 0 and is the first process created at boot time. It runs until the system shuts down.) has a parent process so there is a tree of processes with init as the root.

Here is what fork does

The wait system call

Whether the parent or the child will be run first is undermined; the term for this is a race condition. Thus there are two possible outputs for this program.

I'm the child
I'm the parent, child pid is 22970
is one possible output, the other is
I'm the parent, child pid is 22970
I'm the child

It is possible for the parent to control this by executing a wait() system call. This call causes the parent process to be blocked until a child dies. If the process has no children, a call to wait returns immediately.

Here is the function prototype

     #include <sys/types.h>
     #include <sys/wait.h>

     pid_t wait(int *stat_loc);

The return value from wait is the process id of the child that died.

Here is a short program which demonstrates this.

#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <stdio.h>
extern int errno;
int main()
    pid_t pid, retval;
    int status;
    pid = fork();
    if (pid == 0) 
       printf("I'm the child\n");
    else if (pid > 0) {
       retval = wait(&status);
       printf("I'm the parent, ");
       printf("the child %d has died\n",retval);
    else { /* pid < 0 */
       perror("Error forking");
       fprintf(stderr,"errno is %d\n",errno);
   return 0;

If the parent happens to run first, it executes the wait system call, which causes the process to block (remember the process state diagram from the previous module). It remains blocked until the child terminates, at which time a signal is sent to the parent which awakens it and it is returned to runnable status. If the child happens to run first and terminate before the parent runs, then the call to wait returns immediately. In either case, the return value is the process id of the child.

A parent of a dying child might want to know how the child died, and the dying child might want to send a message to the parent. Both of these are accomplished using the argument which is passed to wait. Because this is a reference argument, its value is set by the system call. The least significant byte indicates how the child process died. If the child terminated normally (i.e. the process reached the end of main() or it called the exit() system call), the lowest byte of status will be zero. If the child terminated abnormally, (e.g. was terminated by a memory exception error (segmentation fault) or by the user sending a kill signal (cntl-c)), the lowest byte will be set to the numeric value of the signal that killed it.

If the child terminated normally by calling exit(), the child can pass an argument to exit() and this value will be in the second byte of status. For example, if the child called exit(5), the value of status in binary would be
00000000 00000000 00000101 00000000
It would be 00 00 05 00 in hexadecimal.

The C language has some bitwise operations which you may not know. >> is the right shift operator, << is the left shift operator, & is the bitwise and operator, and | is the bitwise or operator. You can use these to check the value of each byte of status. For example, to check whether the lowest order byte is zero, use the bitwise and operator with 0xFF (0x preceding a numeric constant in C indicates that the value is in hexadecimal).

  if (status & 0xFF != 0)  
     printf("The child died abnormally");
To examine the value of the third byte, rightshift the value 8 bits and then perform a logical and with 0xFF.
   int temp;
   temp = status >> 8; /* right shift */
   temp = temp & 0xFF; 
   printf("exit status was %d\n",temp);

If a process dies before all of its children have terminated, the children become orphans. Since all processes except init have a parent, orphans are adopted by the init process.


If a child dies before its parent calls wait(), it is possible that the parent might call wait at some later time, and would want information about the status of the dead child. In this case, the process is not really terminated, but some information is retained. A process which has terminated but whose parent has not called wait() is called a zombie. Zombies occupy a slot in the process table of the operating system although they do not consume other resources. When you examine the processes on the computer with the ps command, the status of zombies is defunct. A zombie is terminated either when the parent calls wait and gets the information about that child or when the parent dies, because zombies whose parent is init will be killed.