Final Project Details, CSCI 6962 -- The Semantic Web

Four parts: Proposal (due 11/21), Presentation (on 12/5), Demo (12/13&14), Final Submission (12/17, 12:00 NOON).

Your final project in this course is to do something interesting using Semantic Web technology (i.e. using any of the technologies discussed in the class, or related technologies in the Semantic Web stack). You may work in groups of 1, 2 or 3 students. If you wish to form a group larger than 3, it needs the professor's approval in advance.

The project has several parts:


You must write, and submit by 1PM on November 21st (earlier is, of course, fine) a short description of what you propose to do for approval. The document, sent via email to the Professor (please cc the TA) must include 1-2 paragraphs saying what you proposed to do, and one paragaph outlining how it relates to the Semantic Web (what languages, technologies, or etc. you will be using). The whole thing should be kept short.

Computer Science students are required to include an implementation as part (or all) of the project. Non CS-students can propose non programming oriented projects, a written component will be expected.


Every individual or group doing a project will give a 5-10 minute presentation in class on December 5th (last class, so please make sure to arrange to be there). Groups give a single presentation, it is up to the group whether one or more people will present. You are welcome to use Powerpoint or to give a demo - presenting from a laptop is probably easiest given the classroom setup.

You will present the problem you are attacking, the technique being used, and the status so far - preferably the latter will not be "none." Demos are encouraged, even if the work is not complete.

The presentation will count towards your grade in the project.


Time on December 13 and 14 will be arranged for demos of your projects. The project does not have to be totally complete, but should be pretty close. All projects must be demoed unless arrangements are made with the Professor in advance. Demo slots will be about 10-15 minutes, unless otherwise arranged.

Final Submission

Your project must be submitted by Noon on December 17th. This will include emailing a copy of the working code for the main part of your assignment (if you use components or libraries from elsewhere, you don't have to include them, but must document what you are using). You should also include a short document that explains what you did and how to run/use it (some screen dumps would be fine). If you do not demo, this will be a much more serious component. Non-computing projects are due at the same time.

Please note - this is the absolute latest I can take projects and still get a grade in. Students who cannot get it done by then should arrange to take an incomplete (and I have no idea how RPI does this, so it will be up to you to find out).