CSCI 2961-01 Open Source Software

Instructor: Mukkai S. Krishnamoorthy (moorthy) and Guest Lecturers

Class Location and Time: CII 4040, Tuesday, Friday Noon - 1:50 pm

Office Hours: Moorthy (Lally 305) Tuesday, Friday 2-3:30 pm

Class Format: Tuesday: Lecture, Friday: In class Lab

Lab UTAs:
  1. Phanse Adeet
  2. Matthew Mawby
  3. Sean Waclawick

{ Thanks to Red Hat for their support }

Class Material(Lectures and Labs): github Location

  1. Familiarize with Open Source Software Development
  2. Reading and Understanding “Good” Code
  3. Patch an existing Open Source Project
  4. Work on a team Project
  5. Aware of team dynamics including diversity issues

Learning Outcome:

Syllabus: Syllabus

Grading Criteria:
  1. 2 Quizzes (15 points each) - 30% (7th October, 18th November)
  2. 10 Labs (3 points each) - 30%
  3. Project (Groups of 3 or 4) - 40%

Community: Please join the Slack group by logging in with your rpi id and join the channel csci2961-fall2016

Integrity: Collaboration is allowed (but do not copy blindly - please understand) . Labs and Quizzes should be solved and written by individuals alone. Project is a group project (group of 3 or 4) If anyone is caught cheating then severe measures will be taken such as lowering the final grade, and the event will be reported to the appropriate authorities in the campus.