In Istanbul, on the Bosphorus, I am poor Orhan Veli; I am the son of Veli With indescribable sadness. I am sitting by the shore of Rumeli, I am sitting and singing a song: ``The marble hills of Istanbul, Landing on my head, oh, landing are the sea gulls; Hot, homesick tears fill My eyes, My Eda, Full or airs, my Karma, the fountain salt Of all my tears. In the middle of Istanbul movie houses, My mother won't hear of my exile; Others kiss And tell And make love, but what's that to me? My lover, My fever, oh, my bubonic river.'' In Istanbul, on the Bosphorus, I am the stranger Orhan Veli, The son of Veli With indescribable sadness.Orhan Veli Translated by Murat Nemet-Nejat, 1989